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Cubro OptoSlim: The perfect solution to tap 400G SR8 links

  • 2 min read

Cubro further enhanced its OptoSlim product line of optical TAP devices to offer a perfect solution for monitoring 400G SR8 links. 

With this product addition, Cubro satisfies the huge demand for 400G link monitoring of network infrastructure providers rolling out 400G links quickly.  400G-capable solutions are ideal for telco providers, data centres, and enterprises grappling with ever-increasing traffic volumes. Further, 400G offers the power, efficiency, and density needed for 5G and emerging applications.

In this increasingly complex environment, visibility needs to be an integral part of the network and not something implemented afterwards as an add-on. To offer our customers state-of-the-art optical performance, Cubro engineers recently tested the 400G OptoSlim TAP with the VeEX Inc 400G test solution.

“Detailed tests have been made to ensure that we deliver the quality our valued customers expect from us. The testing proved that the OptoSlim is the perfect solution to tap 400G SR8 links. The VeEX RxT with its dual port 400G module, has all the technical capabilities required for this job. It is an ideal combination of a great product and great support”, says Herbert Etlinger, Head of Product Engineering, Cubro Network Visibility.

About Cubro

Cubro Network Visibility offers a wide range of passive and secure network TAPs and packet brokers to connect the ever-growing number of monitoring tools to the production network. Cubro’s products align the security and networking teams by creating a single view of the infrastructure and data. Learn more about Cubro at

About VeEX

VeEX® develops innovative test and measurement solutions for next-generation networks. VeEX products blend advanced technology and vast technical expertise with the discerning measurement needs of customers. Learn more about VeEX at