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Network Technology: Best Practices

What has Network Traffic Filtering ever done for us?

Network traffic filtering minimizes the quantity of necessary network traffic that is sent to network tools which result in network tools’ effectiveness and an increase in the efficiency of the tools. This extends the lifespan of the network tools and increases the return on investment.

What have Network Packet Brokers ever done for us?

A Network Packet Broker is a physical or virtual switch-like device, but unlike a network switch a Network Packet Broker does not alter the network traffic passing through it in any way unless configured to do so.

What has a network TAP ever done for us - Cubro

What has network TAP ever done for us?

The fundamental component of any successful visibility solution is the 100% reliable, accurate source of network traffic delivered by network TAPs used for network performance and security monitoring.

Graphic for blog post of network visibility and what it has done for us

What has network visibility ever done for us?

Network visibility solutions have evolved from tapping and aggregation use cases to delivering many essential use cases, which significantly contribute to organizations’ ability to retain existing customers, win new customers, manage costs, improve data security, achieve and maintain regulatory compliance.

Network visibility is insurance for your network

Network Visibility is Insurance for your Network

Every minute a critical network service, or the network itself, is down which results in lost revenue. Cubro’s line of Network Visibility and Monitoring products create the foundation for the same level of protection and risk mitigation that your company’s physical assets enjoy.

Why network visibility is essential for successful Digital Transformation outcomes?

NPB technology can help businesses and organizations to significantly reduce the risk of not achieving or delaying a successful digital transformation outcome to help them increase their revenue, profitability and share value.

Value of network visibility solutions

The value of network visibility solutions for today’s Service Provider and Enterprises

Network visibility technology has been deployed by Service Providers and Enterprises for the last 15 years or so and remains as important to a successful business and IT outcomes today as it was then. The use cases for visibility technology have developed as networks have changed and are now able to provide new, incremental value to organizations. The blog examines the value of visibility solutions and the reasons why they are essential for the success of contemporary IT initiatives and business outcomes.

Security hygiene for remote workers part 3

Security Hygiene for Remote Workers: Part 4

In the previous installment we secured our Wi-Fi and discussed segmenting our network to the best of our ability. All this work will be for naught, however, if we allow malicious software in through our own actions. In this final installment we will examine user behaviour and review known avenues of exploits relative to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Wireless Network and Segmentation

Security Hygiene for Remote Workers: Part 3

In this section, we will turn our attention to the wireless portion of the home network because restricting access to our network from the outside world does little good if a bad actor can gain access to our LAN. When setting up our Wi-Fi we absolutely want to be using WPA2 with PSK at a minimum (That’s Wireless Protected Access 2 with Pre-Shared Key).

Sensitive Data and Work Compputer

Security Hygiene for Remote Workers: Part 2

In the previous article, we discussed what we can do to protect sensitive data while working remotely as well as good practices to secure our computer systems against malware and exploits. In this section, we will take a look at what could be the most neglected piece of equipment in your home network: your router.


Security Hygiene for Remote Workers – Part 1

With the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus, responsible for COVID-19, an unprecedented number of people have found themselves working remotely. This brings a lot of new challenges to bear, not the least of which is simply putting together a workspace in the home. Unfortunately, a remote worker’s considerations shouldn’t end at simply gathering the tools to work remotely. It is very important during this time to be conscious of security practices regarding your computing habits and home network.

Empower yourself with the right tools; take control of your network

Control What You Can and Acknowledge What Is Beyond Control

It seems we are constantly dealing with natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, and economic crisis. While these are situations that are, quite simply, beyond anyone’s control one can and should be prepared for a variety of circumstances to the best of their ability. The good news is we almost always have far more control to correct the issues related to the network. With regards to day to day operation, the right tools can assist you in accelerating troubleshooting, improving security, and optimizing efficiency.

EXA32100 VXLAN Termination – To Save Your Sanity!

Using Cubro EXA32100, the customer can reduce business costs by making the team more productive. The service provider can save money because it needs to spend less on the cost of network operators.

The downside of virtual probing approach in mobile networks

For probes to get the relevant traffic, it needs smart network visibility solution which we offer at Cubro. In legacy networks, we use network TAPs, aggregators, NPB “network packet brokers” to feed the relevant data to the probe …

How to improve enterprise network visibility

Network requirements are constantly changing in enterprises. The network goal of every enterprise is to be more efficient and cost-effective while embracing the changes. There are several network visibility solutions/vendors available in the market …

Introductory Guide to Network Packet Brokers

An introductory guide into What is a network packet broker and what does it offer …

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations – Medical institutions need real-time network visibility to protect their sensitive patient data and maximise network performance …

Metadata is the key to the big data

Metadata is the key to the big data

The business goal of every communication service provider (CSP) is to monetise infrastructure investments, improve the customer experience and develop business models which would enable them to generate additional revenue …

Advanced Network Packet Brokers for L7 Application

Network Packet Brokers aggregate and filter data to monitoring tools. A reliable, high-performance network packet broker can perform thousands of filters without performance leaks. Most of the fields up to the layer 4 header can be used as a filter match…

Network Visibility for Data Centers

All businesses that need monitoring require the deployment of a specialised Intelligent Network Packet Monitoring solution, a Network Packet Broker (NPB). Cubro’s Sessionmaster offers the ability to monitor network-only functions, as well as to monitor …