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Network Technology Trends

Understanding the Role of Cubro in Modern Data Centers: A Deep Dive into Network Packet Brokers

As data centres demand higher bandwidth, Cubro’s Network Packet Brokers (NPBs) are essential for monitoring and optimising traffic during the transition to 100G and 400G Ethernet.

Streamlining Traffic for Effective Cybersecurity with Omnia SEC

Omnia SEC tackles the fundamental challenge of traffic reduction to enhance cybersecurity. It provides a scalable solution capable of handling massive traffic volumes, reaching up to several Tbps.

Introducing Cubro’s Optimized Cybersecurity Feed for CSPs

Cubro disrupts the traditional resource-heavy approach of cybersecurity solutions, offering an efficient and robust way to safeguard extensive networks, handling massive traffic volumes of up to several Tbps.


Enhancing Security Measures for Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)

As MEC and distributed processing gain prominence, data transfer is streamlined with enhanced security. Cubro ensures GDPR compliance by addressing PII concerns in the data chain.

5G SA Network Visibility Challenges and current alternatives

5G SA Network Visibility challenges and current alternatives

The importance of the 5G SA lies in the 5G promise of fully supporting enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) and massive IoT use cases.

CyberNews: Networks that lack adequate security will always be a primary target for malicious actors

The Cybernews team recently spoke with the CEO of Cubro Network Visibility, Christian Ferenz, who spoke about the importance of network visibility for network teams and security teams for improving the security posture of the organisation. 

Cubro Visibility: Supporting Zero Trust Network Architectures

Cubro Visibility products, together with Cubro security solution partners, can play a critical role in protecting enterprise computing access by continually monitoring network activity on the network to identify and remediate these new threats.

What is Service Based Architecture for 5G System

What is Service Based Architecture for 5G System

The Service Based architecture for 5G systems represents a move towards a cloud implementation of the Core Network. Newer 5G Core Networks have been deployed using virtualised Network Elements to allow multiple Network Elements to operate using a shared underlying hardware platform.

IOT-Based Geolocation Tracking without GPS

Using Cubro probes and geolocation technology, every user can be tracked by location, in near real-time. This is done by triangulating the signal of a tracking device.

Network Packet Brokers and Encapsulated Traffic – Part 1

Encapsulation, tagging, or labeling network traffic is a necessity in all but the simplest of modern networks. Whether it is simply VLAN tagging to isolate broadcast domains, building complex overlay networks, or segmenting virtual traffic.

Network Visibility Solutions for 40Gbit and 100Gbit

Network Visibility Solutions for 40Gbit and 100Gbit – Cubro offers optical TAPs, copper TAPs and aggregator TAPs which are designed to enable flawless in-line monitoring of 1G, 10G, 40G and 100G networks …

5 ways network visibility will impact enterprises

External Security, Internal Security, Fraud, Internal network performance, SLA to third party providers …