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Empower yourself with the right tools; take control of your network

Control What You Can and Acknowledge What Is Beyond Control

It seems we are constantly dealing with natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, and economic crisis. While these are situations that are, quite simply, beyond anyone’s control one can and should be prepared for a variety of circumstances to the best of their ability. The good news is we almost always have far more control to correct the issues related to the network. With regards to day to day operation, the right tools can assist you in accelerating troubleshooting, improving security, and optimizing efficiency.

IOT-Based Geolocation Tracking without GPS

Using Cubro probes and geolocation technology, every user can be tracked by location, in near real-time. This is done by triangulating the signal of a tracking device.

Next generation NPB for Cubro

What “Next Generation Network Packet Broker” Means to Cubro

With virtualized environments we have many more endpoints, often interconnected via complex tunnelling protocols, in a dynamic and rapidly changing topology. Cubro addresses this need in our Next Gen NPBs with support for numerous tunnelling protocols including MPLS, MPLS over UDP, GRE, NVGRE, VXLAN, and GTP. Support for these is not limited to merely stripping tunnel headers, rather, our Next Gen NPBs can also serve as tunnel endpoints and filter inside the tunnels while leaving the tunnel headers intact.

EXA32100 VXLAN Termination – To Save Your Sanity!

Using Cubro EXA32100, the customer can reduce business costs by making the team more productive. The service provider can save money because it needs to spend less on the cost of network operators.

Network Packet Brokers and Encapsulated Traffic – Part 1

Encapsulation, tagging, or labeling network traffic is a necessity in all but the simplest of modern networks. Whether it is simply VLAN tagging to isolate broadcast domains, building complex overlay networks, or segmenting virtual traffic.

The downside of virtual probing approach in mobile networks

For probes to get the relevant traffic, it needs smart network visibility solution which we offer at Cubro. In legacy networks, we use network TAPs, aggregators, NPB “network packet brokers” to feed the relevant data to the probe …

How to improve enterprise network visibility

Network requirements are constantly changing in enterprises. The network goal of every enterprise is to be more efficient and cost-effective while embracing the changes. There are several network visibility solutions/vendors available in the market …

The Year in Pictures

Another year coming to an end! With a presence in every region of the world, we have a truly global footprint that gives us a significant competitive advantage. We have been recognized by some of the highly acclaimed magazines and research organisations …

Introductory Guide to Network Packet Brokers

An introductory guide into What is a network packet broker and what does it offer …

Network Visibility Solutions for 40Gbit and 100Gbit

Network Visibility Solutions for 40Gbit and 100Gbit – Cubro offers optical TAPs, copper TAPs and aggregator TAPs which are designed to enable flawless in-line monitoring of 1G, 10G, 40G and 100G networks …

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations

Network Visibility for Healthcare Organisations – Medical institutions need real-time network visibility to protect their sensitive patient data and maximise network performance …

Deciding which Network TAP to purchase for total network visibility

Deciding which Network TAP to purchase for total network visibility

Which Network Tap is best for Network Visibility – Network TAPs (Test Access Points) are the absolute best way to gain access to network traffic, whether that be for network visibility solutions, network monitoring infrastructure, …

How to select the right network packet broker vendor

Cubro’s G5 network packet brokers offer superior performance at the same price as any other network packet broker and offer loads of advanced features which are not available on any network packet brokers in the market …

Metadata is the key to the big data

Metadata is the key to the big data

The business goal of every communication service provider (CSP) is to monetise infrastructure investments, improve the customer experience and develop business models which would enable them to generate additional revenue …

Advanced Network Packet Brokers for L7 Application

Network Packet Brokers aggregate and filter data to monitoring tools. A reliable, high-performance network packet broker can perform thousands of filters without performance leaks. Most of the fields up to the layer 4 header can be used as a filter match…

Network Visibility for Data Centers

All businesses that need monitoring require the deployment of a specialised Intelligent Network Packet Monitoring solution, a Network Packet Broker (NPB). Cubro’s Sessionmaster offers the ability to monitor network-only functions, as well as to monitor …

The True Cost of Network Outages for Businesses

Today, enterprises and carriers with large, complex networks often find it overwhelming to manage their networks to minimise outages and performance issues. All data centres and enterprises MUST look to secure and manage their growing network traffic demands, improve productivity and save MTTR by having complete network visibility. An estimate from Gartner reveals the hourly… Read More »The True Cost of Network Outages for Businesses

Top 8 Advantages of Deploying Cubro Devices

Top 8 Advantages of Deploying Cubro Network Visibility Devices – Take a look to see how we help enterprises manage their networks with minimum outages and performance issues …

Why do you need GTP Load Balancing?

Why do you need GTP Load Balancing – Cubro’s solution to balance the load based on the inner user IP …

Are Network Packet Brokers a Commodity Product?

Is there such a thing of using a commodity product instead of a real network packet broker (NPB)? We don’t think so – and neither should you! …