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Understanding the Role of Cubro in Modern Data Centers: A Deep Dive into Network Packet Brokers

  • 5 min read

As data centres evolve, the demand for higher bandwidth and better network performance is at an all-time high. The migration towards 100G Ethernet is already in progress, and the transition to 400G Ethernet is not far behind. Network administrators require advanced tools to monitor, analyse, and optimise traffic flows in this rapidly changing environment. This is where Cubro’s Network Packet Brokers (NPBs) come into play.

Why Network Packet Brokers Are Essential for Modern Data Centres

Even if your data centre hasn’t transitioned to 100G Ethernet, implementing a Network Packet Broker is crucial. Here’s why:

  1. Enhanced Network Visibility: NPBs aggregate and filter traffic, ensuring that monitoring tools receive only relevant data. This reduces the processing burden and enhances the performance of security and analytical tools.
  2. Improved Security: By providing a comprehensive view of network traffic, NPBs help identify potential security threats in real time, allowing for quicker incident response and mitigation.
  3. Cost Efficiency: NPBs eliminate the need for multiple monitoring tools by consolidating traffic management and reducing redundancy, ultimately lowering capital and operational expenditures.

Real-World Applications of Cubro NPBs

Cubro’s NPBs are deployed across various industries to address specific networking challenges. Here are some notable applications:

  1. Financial Services: In the high-stakes world of financial services, where milliseconds can make a significant difference, Cubro’s NPBs provide a critical advantage. With the 8-byte timestamping feature, financial institutions can ensure that all transactions are precisely timestamped when stored in their databases. This level of accuracy is crucial for auditing, compliance, and maintaining the integrity of financial data. By leveraging Cubro’s advanced timestamping capabilities, financial organizations can enhance transaction accuracy, ensure regulatory compliance, and uphold the highest data integrity standards.
  2. Healthcare: With the growing adoption of telemedicine and digital health records, healthcare providers rely on NPBs to maintain data privacy and compliance with regulations like HIPAA by ensuring secure data flows.
  3. Telecommunications: Cubro offers comprehensive network visibility solutions tailored to various network technologies service providers utilise. Our products ensure efficient delivery of network traffic to various network tools, encompassing Service Assurance, Security, and Analytics systems. Notably, our solutions are designed to accommodate the diverse landscape of service provider networks, with a dedicated roadmap that extends to the visibility of 5G Standalone (SA) core networks. 
  4. Enterprises: Enterprises face constant cyber-attack threats and must monitor network traffic to detect and respond to threats in real time. Cubro NPBs are deployed to provide visibility into all network segments, aggregate traffic from various sources, and filter it before sending it to security tools like IDS/IPS, SIEMs, and firewalls. Advanced features like packet deduplication and slicing help ensure that security tools receive the most relevant data. This results in improved threat detection and response times, reduced risk of data breaches, and enhanced overall network security.
  5. Data centres: Data centres handle massive volumes of data and must ensure high availability and performance of their network infrastructure. Cubro NPBs aggregate and filter traffic, providing a clear view of network performance and helping to identify congestion points or performance bottlenecks. Load balancing capabilities ensure that monitoring tools are not overwhelmed. The outcome is improved network performance, reduced downtime, and better resource utilisation.
  6. Government and defence: Government agencies and defense organisations require secure and reliable communication channels constantly monitored for any signs of interception or breach. Cubro NPBs provide visibility and control over network traffic, ensuring that all data transmitted is secure and any anomalies are detected and addressed promptly. Features like time stamping and packet slicing enhance the precision and reliability of monitoring. This leads to secure and reliable communications, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and quick response to potential security threats.

Technical Specifications: What to Look for in a Cubro NPB

When choosing a Cubro NPB, consider the following technical specifications to ensure it meets your data centre’s needs:

  1. Port Density and Speed: Ensure the NPB supports the required number of ports and data rates (e.g., 1G, 10G, 100G).
  2. Filtering and Aggregation Capabilities: Look for advanced filtering options and the ability to aggregate traffic from multiple sources without packet loss.
  3. Scalability: The NPB should be easily scalable to accommodate future growth and increased traffic demands.
  4. User Interface: A user-friendly GUI with intuitive controls is crucial for efficient management and troubleshooting.
  5. Advanced Features: Consider NPBs with features like packet slicing, deduplication, time stamping, and tunneling for enhanced performance and flexibility.


As data centres continue to expand and evolve, the need for robust network management tools becomes increasingly critical. Cubro’s Network Packet Brokers offer a comprehensive solution for managing complex traffic flows, enhancing security, and ensuring optimal performance. Whether upgrading to 100G Ethernet or preparing for future advancements, investing in a high-quality NPB is a strategic move to future-proof your data centre.

Ready to explore how Cubro can transform your network operations? Contact us for a personalized demo and discover the benefits of advanced network packet brokering.